How to Clean a Wood Fence Without a Powerwasher in Three Easy Steps

Vertical Board Flat Top Wood Fence

Of all the difference fence types out there, wooden fences are one of the most aesthetically pleasing… unless you refuse to clean them. If left alone, wood fencing will begin to grow algae, mildew and mold, and eventually begin rotting.

Luckily, wood fences aren’t hard to clean if you know what you’re doing. Here’s a few tips and tricks from the best fence company around to help.

Set the Stage

First things first, get everything ready. Cover any bushes, flowers, or other plants that may be growing by the wood fences to protect them. Then, mix one part household bleach with two parts warm water to make a cleaning solution. For every gallon or liter of water in your bucket, you might also want to add a teaspoon of some mild soap that’s safe to add to chlorinated bleach.

Get to Scrubbing

Now that everything is properly protected and the cleaning solution is all made up, it’s time to get to scrubbing those wood fences. Pay attention to the stained areas, taking a scrub brush to them. Even though you covered the plants, you should still be careful, and try to avoid spilling any solution on them. Once the wood fences’ stains have been eradicated, hose them down.

Patch Things Up

You didn’t think you were done, did you? After you let the wood fences dry, fix any damage that might have been done to them. Sand down any rough areas, and sink any nails or screws that might be sticking out. You should also consider slapping a fresh coat of waterproof paint or staining on the wood fences, too, to prevent any more algae, mold, or mildew from growing on them again.

If you keep your wood privacy fence clean as can be, it’ll provide you with many more years of service, and look great doing it, too.

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